What to do when you feel behind

Clean up the kitchen. Take out the trash. Help the kids with homework. Finish a couple emails from work. Take a shower. Put the kids to bed. Play with the dog. Make a grocery list. Work out?!? Fold laundry. Plan dinner with the neighbors. Prep treats for the work potluck…or, make time to run to the store for those treats. Find time to sleep. 

The list goes on and on and on. And many of the items that don’t make the list or that get pushed down the list are the things you enjoy. Your hobbies, your self care routines, and spending quality time with your family and friends. 

Most days, 24 hours does not feel like enough to get even half of your to-do list completed. And it doesn’t help that you’re constantly being bombarded with how-to’s, should-do’s, and must-do’s. Social media, apps, and AI tools are great in a lot of ways, but they can also quickly make life seem harder. It’s one more thing to keep up with. One more thing to learn. One more way to compare yourself to others. And before you know it, you feel behind in your life and from those around you. 

When you start to feel behind, do you know how to get out of it? When the list seems endless, do you know how to make your way through it? If the answer is no, or not really, you’re not alone! 

If you start feeling this way, follow these 5 tips to help you gain back a sense of control and feeling of accomplishment as you make your way through life’s busy demands. 

Grant Yourself Grace 

First of all, grant yourself grace. DO NOT get down on yourself for not getting it all done. Reflect on your day and think about the things you DID get done. Maybe you didn’t get that basket of laundry washed, but you did go to the grocery store, you played outside with your kids, and you made dinner where everyone ate together. And writing these wins can help you remember!


When you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s best to take a break. Step away, take a walk, drink some tea. Whatever it looks like for you. Your body needs rest and time to refocus. It can be as short as 15 minutes or as long as an hour (or more). Once you’ve had time away, you’ll feel refreshed and ready to come at it again. 

Make a List

When you have all the things swimming around in your head without a place to release the energy, they feel stuck. Writing it all down helps with the release. Even if it’s a long list. Getting it all down is an accomplishment on its own. 

Organize Your List Based on Priority

Now, look at your list. Identify what is a must-do, a can-do, and a should/want-to-do. Oftentimes, it’s the can-do and want-to-do’s that leave us feeling behind. Take the must-do’s and put them on a sticky note. Identify the 1-3 that have to be done that day and/or that week. Add them to your calendar, put them on a white board, etc. Whatever system works for you. After you get the must-do’s, add one or two can/want-to-do’s that you can accomplish throughout the week as well. Repeat the process next week.  

Enlist Your Network

You are strong and amazing, and you can accomplish A LOT. But you’re not superhuman. Everyone needs help. Engage your network however that looks for you. Delegate projects or tasks that coworkers can help with. Involve your children in the household chores. It’s their space too! Divide up duties with your spouse or partner. Use those apps or tools for reminders, checklists, etc. Make it work for you.

Just remember, as you continue to navigate the ins and outs of life, none of us can do it all, nor should we! Focus on what's most important, what matters to you, and be present as often as you can. If you do, you'll be on a great path.

Check out more of our content on living life authentically and at a pace that works for you at our webiste- www.authenticlivingco.com


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