Creating a home “workout space” on a budget

Creating an organized “home gym” that works for YOU

The new year is upon us and for many of us, it is a time of reflection of the past year and eagerness for what’s to come. For most of my adult life- i have been a gym person and have off and on loved attending yoga, flow, or weight training classes.  For years I also simply looked forward to walking on the treadmill with music and then sitting in the sauna.  But, during this season of life with two kids four and under, I have realized that it doesn’t work for me to have a gym membership and to utilize it as much as I’d like.  I work part time from home and am a full time mama and it’s often just so hard to get there!

But, what I HAVE figured out, is that i can create a happy, simple home “gym” or “workout space” at home for cheap!  And I can sneak in a 30 minute workout while my kids are napping, after they go to bed, or even do one WITH my kids.  In our house, we are big fans of “yoga with Adrienne” and love to join her for quick 20-30 minute yoga sessions. Sometimes I can even get my husband to join me in the evenings. This feels attainable and fun for me and when I do it regularly, I feel noticeable differences in my mood, my strength, and my stress levels. I am especially excited to do this years 30 day challenge through January called “FLOW.”   

Yoga may not be your workout of choice like it is for me, but the beauty of creating a home workout space is that you can find videos and cheap workout gear from so many places!  I like to buy my yoga mats, weights, water bottles, and muscle rollers at TJ Max and also find items at Dicks sporting goods, Target, and on Amazon.  I have simply dedicated my living room space to transition into my workout space. I have a basket with my muscle roller, mat, blanket, and weights that I can put back in my hall closet when I’m finished. If you have an open shelf or cabinet where you could store these items, that works as well!

Non-negotiables for when I workout at home:

  • I ALWAYS light a candle.  There is something about having a lavender or eucalyptus candle that puts me in the right mindset for doing a workout.

  • I turn on music or a playlist if I am doing a flow without the TV.

  • I bring a blanket for cool down time.  I like to allow for 3-5 minutes of cool down, meditation, or cozy lying down time after every workout.

  • I use a basket for my weights, blanket, and muscle roller that I can set right back in our hall closet once I’m finished.  

Grab yourself a water bottle, a calm smelling candle, your phone/TV/IPad, and a cute basket to store your workout items, and you’ve got it! 

Authentic Living Organizing Co. personally chooses to purchase materials at the stores listed above and to support yoga with Adrienne. We are not affiliated with any of these companies nor do we receive compensation for mentioning them. We advise clients to purchase from their stores of choice.

Head on over to for more information on home organization, living authentically, and to see the services we offer.


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