Are you overwhelmed or unhappy in your living space? Do you have passions or opportunities that have been buried due to all of life’s demands? Life is too beautiful and short to worry about all of the tasks at home! We would love to meet you!

Meet Laura & Kendra

Our story all began with our love for connection and people.

Well, if you want to get technical, it began in high school sign language class! We’ve been friends and coworkers for many years, but it wasn’t until the past 5+ that we’ve connected on a deeper level turning this relationship of friends and fellow coworkers into that of family. As we’ve experienced all the ups & downs of life, and figuring out what gives us the most joy and meaning, it all comes back to people and connection. And living in a space that brings us peace and comfort.

Pushing ourselves in our careers, taking care of our bodies, both mentally and physically, making time for what matters, and keeping up with the endless to-do lists can be exhausting. We don’t have all the answers, but we do have a passion for helping others feel comfortable in their space so they have more time to focus on what matters to them.

Authentic Living Values

Authenticity | Open-heartedness | Respect | Empathy | Grace

Strive for Authenticity-Life can be messy, but it sure is better when we are true to ourselves.

Practice open-heartedness-When we are curious and open, we experience more wonder, connection, and never stop learning.

Show respect-No matter who you are or where you are on your journey, YOU deserve respect.

Show empathy- We will always put ourselves in your shoes while being free of judgement.

Grace- Grace for ourselves and others. Life and learning are a process and take practice. We are all learning; why not give ourselves grace while doing so.

Favorite Things

Kendra Noll-Scheier

  • All things cozy-socks, a fire in the fireplace, READING

  • Mountains and Travel

  • Self help books

  • Coffee and early mornings

  • Spending time with my two littles

Laura Wagner

  • Walks with my pup and my guy

  • Playing with my niece and nephews

  • Experimenting in the kitchen 

  • Anything pumpkin

  • A good patio on a beautiful day