Frequently asked questions.

What is it like to work with a professional organizer?

Inviting someone to organize your personal space is an intimate, collaborative, process. Our goal in working with you is to make you feel comfortable, heard, respected, and accepted where you are at. We have had our share of hardship, stressors, hustle, and dis-organization in our own lives, and want you to know we come from a judgement free space. Being human is to struggle. No space is too messy, no stressor is too much to hear about, and no project is too small. We will listen to your needs, organize your space, and provide you with methods for maintaining new systems.

Average projects take between 4-5 hours per session for two organizers. Larger projects may take multiple visits or a full day. Assessment will be provided on the first in-person session when we meet.

Do I have to purge? I’m scared to let go of my belongings. What if I can’t?

Purging is often a big part of the process for creating space and a new system that will simplify your daily living. We will encourage you to really think about the meaning and “why’s” behind wanting to keep certain items. However, we will never pressure or force you to get rid of items that you are not ready to!

Do I need to be out of my home while you are organizing?

No, you do not have to be! We have respect and integrity for all of our clients homes and will work with the same care whether you are home or not. Similar to how life can get messy before it gets better, our organization projects are often the same. Many clients prefer to avoid this step where we pull everything out before we put it back together and wait to see the final project.

All that to say, re-organizing, moving in, de-cluttering, or purging are all very personal processes. It is up to you how involved you would like to be in the process. For decluttering and parting with items, we love working together so that you may feel empowered to create space and let go of items that feel right for you. Once we have identified those items, it’s up to you how involved you’d like to be! Our typical process is to do this step together, then get to work on our own, and finish with a surprise reveal for YOU.

How will it work with new organizing bins and materials? Do I purchase these myself?

Once you have decided we are a match, we will start planning your project and putting together a quote. If you would like a refresh with brand new materials, we will include this as part of your initial quote. Ultimately, YOU get to decide how involved you are in the project. You may leave it up to us to design and be surprised! Or, we can guide you through picking out materials and design together. Either way, we will purchase containers and materials and include this in your quoted fee. Already have materials that you would like us to use? No problem! We work with YOUR preferences and will use whatever you would like.

I know it will look great after you create a space, but what if I can’t maintain it?

Upon completion of your project, we will sit down together to learn how your new space makes you think and feel, and to discuss easy ways to maintain it! We will also check in with you two weeks after the project has been completed and a few months down the road. If ever you find yourself in a rut in the same space or struggling to maintain, we are always here for support.

What if I need to cancel my appointment?

You may cancel your appointment up to 48 hours before a job begins. Anything past 48 hours that is not an emergency will be charged a cancellation fee.

How do the fees work?

Once you have decided we are a match, we begin planning your beautiful project and spend lots of time creating a unique system for YOU. During the initial phase, a quote is put together and half of the non-refundable service fee will be due upfront. Upon completion of your project, the second half of the fees will be due. Check and Venmo payments are accepted.