Transitions & Seasons-How to keep up

The end of summer can be a time of many transitions.  The change of seasons is upon us, many are going back to school, and some may be moving or starting work back up.  It can be hard to stick with our routines, take care of ourselves, and keep up with daily tasks when life starts to feel real busy.  Lately I have been finding myself having to dig deep for the tools that I need because it feels like this season we are in is so full.  A new baby, mom of three under 5, business owner, and working at home-LIFE.IS.FULL. Beautiful and messy and full.

In general, when I am in a transition or life starts to feel chaotic, I like to start with assessing where I am at. I consider what tasks can be put on the back burner, and try to put together my “team.”  Checking in with myself-what do I need during this transition, how am I feeling, and what’s most important right now?  Not everything is of equal importance.  Do I need to ask for help?  More often than not, our loved ones are ready and happy to help and we just have to ask.  Finding balance and sticking to routines during chaotic times or transition periods can be challenging, but it's possible with some strategies. 

Prioritize what matters most and your self-care: When life gets chaotic, taking care of ourselves is often the first thing to be neglected. Three months ago I had a new baby, a family member has had health issues, and we were in the midst of changing schedules during the summer.  I went into survival mode for the last few months!  But a few times this summer, I have had to recenter and prioritize myself.  So I get back to my journaling, exercising, asking for help from friends, and finding time for me.  Other ways we can practice self care can be eating well, getting good sleep, spending time doing hobbies and being with friends/family.

Use Tools and Reminders:  When we are juggling change and many tasks, our brain space becomes full quickly!  I would not be able to be a business owner, mom, wife, and homemaker if  I did not utilize my google calendar, set reminders, and write down my to do list daily.  To me, gone are the days of “I’ll remember.”  Let’s make it easier for ourselves and just write it down or put it on the calendar.  It takes the work out of trying to remember!  Plus, using all of these tools helps us to stick to our routines!

Focus on What You Can Control: When I start feeling the overwhelm creeping in, sometimes I sit down and literally write down all of the things that I cannot control.  I use this as a mindful moment where I practice surrender.  It can be so freeing when we realize the amount of life that is out of our control!  Focus on the aspects you can manage, like your attitude, your routine, and your response to challenges and we can have more peace.

Set Small, Achievable Goals: Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps.  I’m talking tasks like-unpack 2 boxes, unload the dishwasher, set your timer for 15 minutes and see what you can do during that time. This makes it easier to stay on track and gives you a sense of accomplishment, even during chaotic times.

Simplify and be flexible in your routines: During transitions, simplify your routines to focus on the essentials. Identify the most important tasks and let go of non-essential activities. Adding a new family member to our mix has forced me to do this.  We are finding ourselves staying home and having slower days a lot of the time lately.  And it’s exactly what we need.  This helps reduce overwhelm and helps me to maintain more consistency with my business, household tasks, and schedules with my kids.  

Practice Mindfulness: Being mindful can help you stay grounded in the present moment. Incorporate mindfulness practices like meditation, deep breathing, or even short moments of reflection to help you stay calm and focused.

Be Gentle with Yourself and give yourself grace: So much of the time lately, I have been hearing “give yourself grace-this season is HARD!”  And I have to remember that transitions and seasons are temporary.  There is beauty and grace in every season if we look for it.  Whatever season you are in, give yourself plenty of grace and recognize your efforts!

If you are in a phase of transitions, know that you are not alone and that this is a temporary season.  And these strategies can help you maintain a sense of balance and consistency, even when life feels uncertain.


Too many keepsakes-how to make decisions