Fall renewal- “Creating a calm space in your home”

Fall is upon us and it’s a beautiful fall day in the Lenexa area! Once fall is here, I am so inspired to cozy up, and truly embrace restoration, peace, and calm where I can. My windows are open, the fresh breeze smells of fall, and I am motivated to minimize my space in attempts to create more balance and comfort in my home. Lately, I have been getting back to finding time for myself before my kids wake up to organize my thoughts, get centered, and to enjoy being quiet with my coffee. I have done this for years now and go back and forth between journaling, taking a morning walk, doing yoga, or meditating.

But the extra fun part about my mornings, is that I have a pretty, welcoming, place in my home that I look forward to going each day. I’ve realized, that no matter where we are at in life, we all need a place for some respite, a place where we can feel calm and at ease. Maybe it’s going for a walk on your favorite trail, listening to a podcast, doing a meditation in your bed. As we find ourselves heading into fall and winter, here are a few tips and tricks for creating a peaceful space that is just for YOU, in your home.

Creating a “CALM SPACE” in your home

To start, identify a space that feels calming, safe, or happy for YOU. It doesn’t have to be fancy, it can simply be your bedroom, a corner in your living room, a nook by a window. Once you pick your space, fill it with items that bring you joy. In other words, bring on all the plants, books, pillows, blankets, artwork, or scents-whatever it is that makes you feel inspired or calm! In my previous career, I did this for the kids that I worked with, and then I realized that I could have something similar in my home. Adults need calm spaces too! My calm space is in my front room where I have views of the morning sunrise, get lots of natural light, and is a place that is filled with plants.  This is a space that I am able to keep clean and organized regularly and that FEELS good to be in. 

So that I can truly enjoy my space each morning, I have a quick routine that I follow every evening. After the kids go to bed, I do a quick reset of my space and set my coffee timer to 6:00 am. I love looking forward to waking up to the fresh smell of coffee and it makes getting out of bed so much easier. I have never been an early bird OR a night owl, but I have found that with consistency, I can usually get out of bed around 6:00 because I LOOK FORWARD to time by myself with my coffee. Having a calm space is such a small and simple idea, but one that has added value and delight to my life.

We would love to hear if you are interested in creating a space like this in your home, or about where you go to find peace and quiet! And lastly, check out a few quick tips on how I keep up with daily organization in my calm space.

Quick tips for keeping your calm space organized:

  • Follow the ten minutes a day rule-set a timer for ten minutes and tidy your space daily. My calm space happens to also be shared as a playroom for my kids. So at the end of each day, I spend about ten minutes resetting the room, so that I can feel peaceful when I get up for my coffee in the morning.

  • Designate a space for everything-keep it simple, minimal, and have a consistent place for every item. I keep my yoga mat folded up under my couch, my journal on the shelf, and have my coffee mug sitting out by the coffee maker.

Head on over to www.authenticlivingco.com for more information on home organization, living authentically, and to see the services we offer.


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