Routine Reset-How do you know it’s for you?

How do you know when you need a routine reset? The short answer… when adulting becomes too much and you need reprieve. And there you have it. If you need help, just ask.

Well of course, that makes sense. Just like with anything, when something becomes too much or is harder to do alone, we ask for help. We’ve all been doing it since we were young. But we also know it’s not that easy. The deeper answer is more complicated. Unfortunately, as we get older and the expectations of us increase, it often becomes harder to admit we need help. And for women there is an added layer of unwritten (and sometimes written) expectation that we feel daily. It might not be something someone says directly, but through actions, media, and even in some company policies, we feel the pressure to do it all - personally, professionally, and both

Life is full and busy. No matter where your path has taken you, the days continue to feel fuller as the time gets shorter. In a world rapidly changing, with information constantly at our fingertips, and items added to our calendars, it’s hard to feel relaxed and at peace. Taking time for us comes with guilt attached. Whether it’s doing some self care or literally doing nothing, we find it hard to be present in the moment. We’re running through the mental checklist that matches the actual checklist on our phone or on the kitchen counter. We’re thinking about everyone else and what they need - do I have time to run to the store in the next 30 minutes? The kids need lunches for the week. Did the vet appointment get scheduled? Did I respond to that email from Friday at 4:00? They need an answer by Monday. 

There’s ALWAYS something to worry about (especially if you’re a worrier), there’s ALWAYS something we can or should do more of, there’s ALWAYS something we want to do better, and there’s ALWAYS something that HAS to be done. But we DON’T ALWAYS have the time. So, when all of this is coming at us we must find ways to rest, the things to let go of, and allow our village to help. Because it takes a village. 

So where do you find that reprieve or who do you ask for help before you break? Because we don’t want you to break!

And now back to that question - how do you know you need a routine reset? If you can feel the piles of clutter getting bigger, the days feeling fuller, and your patience running thinner it sounds like a pretty good time to invest in a routine reset. We’ve all been there, and probably more times than we can count. So when thinking about your days and the cost of time and energy vs. peace and simplicity, these are important items to consider. 

You’re ready for help and not afraid to ask for it! 

This is HUGE. Allowing people into our homes can be vulnerable. Especially if they’re helping us in ways that ‘we should be able to handle ourselves.’ But the reality is, letting go of the tasks that become so monotonous and suck our energy can be so freeing. And…if we get some new tips and tricks along the way, well that’s a bonus! 

You’re busy and in the weeds of life. 

Whether you’re a new parent trying to find a new sense of normal, a seasoned parent up to your ears in activities, clubs, events, and fun, or an empty-nester that’s living your best life full of your own activities, clubs, and events, a reset allows you to focus your time on those and not on the dishes piling up in the sink, the laundry covering the the floor, or the mail scattered throughout the house. 

And life is just as busy without kids. Whether you’re a busy professional with a demanding job and schedule, a dog parent who’d rather spend their days at the dog park and on long walks, or a social butterfly that’s always up for the next adventure, a reset allows you the time to focus on those and not the dishes, laundry, and mail as well. 

You’re ready to prioritize your self-care. 

Making time for you is so important, whether you’re a busy parent, professional, or both. Investing in a service that allows you to invest in you is worth it.

As we all look at our lives and align and realign our priorities, we know that it’s a fluid process. What’s a priority now might not be a priority in 5 years. It will shift as we enter new seasons of life. But one thing remains the same, our time should always be a priority because that’s one thing we’ll never get back. So think about it, ‘What’s going to help give you time back in your day or your week? What’s going to reroute your energy into other, more meaningful parts of life? What’s the cost of getting help? Or not getting help? That’s how you know you’re ready for a reset. Check us out at for more information!

Laura Wagner


Creating Your Summer Routines & Staying Organized with Kids


Declutter Your Mind for Peace